Friends of the Spoil Islands is a Citizen Support Organization for the Indian River Lagoon Aquatic Preserve office.
A Citizen Support Organization or CSO is a nonprofit Florida organization formed for the purpose of benefiting Florida’s aquatic preserves, buffer preserves, national estuarine research reserves, and/or coral reef conservation programs.
A CSO is an independent nonprofit Florida corporation with a CSO Agreement or Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) formalizing its partnership with the Department. The CSO Agreement is a contract that outlines the scope of activities, reporting requirements, and the roles and responsibilities of the CSO, Preserve/Reserve/Program Manager, and Office. Section 20.2551, F.S., “recognizes that many of the lands managed by the department need a variety of facilities to enhance the use and potential of such lands and that many of the department’s programs are of interest to, and could benefit from the support of local citizen groups.” To reap those benefits, the legislature provides that the FDEP may approve CSOs that act “consistent with the goals of the department and in the best interests of the state” and who may “conduct programs and activities; raise funds; request and receive grants, gifts, and bequests of money; acquire, receive, hold, invest, and administer, in its own name, securities, funds, objects of value, or other property, real or personal; and make expenditures to or for the direct or indirect benefit of the Department of Environmental Protection or individual units of the Department.”
The Friends of the Spoil Islands have developed several ways for the community to get involved. If you or your organization would like to get involved you may choose to donate, volunteer, or adopt an Island, whichever best suits your available abilities and resources. Click below to learn more about the best way for you to support the work of maintaining our spoil islands.
Check out this article in Space Coast Living about our Spoil Islands.